blueDECK (tape/cassette emulation)

-What's blueDECK?
It's a total cassette emulator for blueMSX. New & unique approach has been introduced with v1.3.0 tape emulation, read on to find out.
-What's so special about blueDECK?
The DEV team have worked really hard to bring users, what best for tape usage. One of the key improvement we have made is the tape save feature, now users can enjoy ROM & CAS games which requires saving to a tape. But hey that doesn't make it special! Hold on, the all new blueDECK's "Set Position" feature is probably the most advanced gadget users can get on MSX emulator. (at least we think that way. ;)

Before we go on here is a basic menu option and the brief explanation.


    Insert User can select a CAS file to load.

The option accepts CAS and ZIP files types . It will automatically determine between fMSX-DOS and fMSX98/AT. The user can create a new cas file by typing names in the filename field.

    Eject This option will eject the mounted CAS file.
blueDECK will remember where you performed the eject last. (Just like the real data recorder)

    Rewind After Insert A check box that will rewind the CAS file when ever you perform insert.

This is handy since blueDECK remembers last used position and will try to continue from there. But if this option is toggled it will force tape to rewind.

    Use Cas. Read Only This is another check box option, a quite important one too. If the read only switch is not toggled, the data will be saved directly to the cas file you have inserted. If it is checked, the data will not be saved until you explicitly do it with the Save menu option.

    Save Cas. Image As It will allow you to save your program to cas file.

You have an option to save between fMSX-DOS and fMSX98/AT format.

   Set position This is a menu where you can set your loading point by choosing the tape content name. It also though let you know what CAS file contains.

    Rewind It's pretty much self-explanatory, but it rewind your cas file to the beginnig.

-What does Set Position do?
blueDECK can analyze the contents included in CAS file. Not only can the users see what's been saved, they also can choose the program name to 'set' the start of a loading point! So unlike the actual data recorder, no fast fowarding is required to scan to desired tape position. That why we only have the rewind option. (Cool isn't it?)

-What format is it compatible with?
Older fMSX98/AT CAS format can be now read & saved along with the standard fMSX-DOS CAS format.

-What's up with the position reminder?
Glad you asked! This needs quite an explanation. blueDECK actually perform just like the real data recorder. blueDECK tries to remember the tape position when you eject without rewinding. Then user can come back to its exact position of the loading tape after changing CAS file. Most tape emulation lack ability to remember the counter position which force rewind when ever new cas file is set. However position reminder will always come to the last position where CAS file was used.

Maybe helpful where the user needs to save gamedata in between loading point. User obviously need to return to the exact position after saving and switching back to an original tape where eject was performed in order to continue. NO problem, blueDECK can handle such situation.

-What's up with the Rewind After Insert?
If you read the "position reminder" above, you see that blueDECK remember the exact position of CAS file from the last perfomance. What if user don't want this? Well, when this option toggled, any CAS file inserted will be automatically rewinded. Keeps the users away from extra task.